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Roller Coaster

Challenge: to design a cardboard roller coaster.

Brainstorm: first we braistormed ideas

Design: we came up with our design

Build: we cut out posterboard and used hot glue to build our roller coaster.  For the supports, we used rolled up posterboard and for the track we used long strips of paper.  For the turns, we cut out curved posterboard, and we made the sides of the track out of long stips of paper.


After testing it, we had to make a few changes - including adding thicker sides to our coaster so the marble would not fall out.

Our roller coaster has 5 level changes and 2 loops.

First the marble spirals around 4 times then it drops and goes into two loops. 

If we did this project again, I would make sure to use less glue and try not to rip the poster board, unlike we did.

Name plate:

we designed a name plate for our roller coaster on google sketch up and used the laser cutter to cut it out.

Mejor que el tuyo translates to "better than yours"

Our Finished Roller Coaster

Our Presentation

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